Honeybees for sale by beekeepers in Wiltshire UK
Beekeepers: if you have bees you would like to sell in this
site please email me honeybeesforsale@gmail.com
New for 2025
5 overwintered 6 frame National nucs for sale in Wiltshire, just north of Chippenham.
Queens and nucs were all raised and mated locally last summer (2024).
Queens are marked green.
Nucs were all treated for varroa in late December.
The nucs should be ready late March or probably more likely early April, weather depending.
£260 for each nuc (£20 in advance £240 on collection).
Happy to help mentor / support any local recipient of the bees, keen to ensure they thrive and survive particularly if they are new beekeepers.
I would like the bees to go to beekeepers who practice some sort of varroa control.
Please email me Patrick Laslett
Please note I am the webmaster - not the owner of the bees
40 overwintered Nucs for sale.
They will be ready to go the beginning of April weather permitting.
All Nucs will consist of 5 BS National Hoffman frames.
There will be Eggs, Larva, Brood and frame of stores.
The Nucs are headed by a last year marked (Green) Carnolian Queen and full of bees covering all frames.
The Nucs were treated for Varroa in the autumn and again in the first week of January.
They are clear of any disease and will be inspected prior to collection by the SBI.
They will be housed in a Correx travel box the night before collection.
Cost of Nuc £260each. (£20 in advance £240 on collection)
Collection Wiltshire
Please email me Patrick Laslett
Please note I am the webmaster - not the owner of the bees
Two 6 frame nucs for sale - queen 2024.
British Standard National frames.
Bred from Buckfast queen.
Health and temper good.
£170 each; bees on 6 frames only (£20 in advance £150 on collection)
Please bring equipment to move them.
Two full colonies - queens 2024.
British Standard National frames.
Bred from Buckfast queen.
Health and temper good.
£225 each; bees on 11 frames only (£25 in advance £200 on collection).
Please bring equipment to move them.
Collection near Salisbury, Wilts.
Please email me Patrick Laslett
Please note I am the webmaster - not the owner of the bees
40 overwintered Nucs for sale.
They will be ready to go the beginning of April weather permitting.
All Nucs will consist of 5 BS National Hoffman frames.
There will be Eggs, Larva, Brood and frame of stores.
The Nucs are headed by a last year marked (Red) Carnolian Queen and full of bees covering all frames.
The Nucs were treated for Varroa in the autumn and again in the first week of January.
They are clear of any disease and will be inspected prior to collection by the SBI.
They will be housed in a Correx travel box the night before collection.
Cost of Nuc £250 each. (£20 in advance £230 on collection)
Collection Wiltshire
Please email me Patrick Laslett
Please note I am the webmaster - not the owner of the bees
2 BS Nat cedar hives with colonies
Hive Thornes cedar 2022, open mesh floor, brood chamber, crown board, lid, stand and strap.
Bees are on 11 national frames.
2023 marked queen (bred from 2022 buckfast) laying very well.
£225 each (£25 in advance £200 on collection)
Collection only, from Marlborough/Swindon area.
Please email me Patrick Laslett
Please note I am the webmaster - not the owner of the bees
50+ 5 Frame Spring Langstroth Nucs with 2023 Queens.
(Home Reared from Buckfast F1 AI Breeder Queen).
Lovely productive bees.
£220 each (£20 in advance £200 on collection).
Buyer brings own nuc boxes to transfer bees into - these will not be posted/couriered!
Location North Wiltshire near J 17 M4 Chippenham
Please email me Patrick Laslett
Please note I am the webmaster - not the owner of the bees
Bees for sale in North Wiltshire (near Chippenham and Bath).
Polynuc with 2022 queen.
Laying well, prolific with good temperament.
Brood across 5-6 frames. Ready to be placed in a full hive.
Price £200 (£20 in advance £180 on collection).
£30 refund if you wish to move to your own box and leave the Nuc box.
Ready to collect this bank holiday weekend. Times flexible.
Please email me Patrick Laslett
Please note I am the webmaster - not the owner of the bees
Due to a change of circumstances I am selling my bees.
I have about 80 colonies most are langstroth head up with 2022 buckfast queens.
All disease free and calm to handle.
Plus I have approximately 50 nucs in paradise honey six frame nuc boxes.
6 paradise honey full hives.
The rest are a mixture of Bs honey national nuc boxes and I have some in 5 frame wooden nucs.
(I have 50 of these although most are empty at the moment).
All will come with stands.
Extractor and a old swintey melter.
I also have about 1500 12oz jars of honey in stock.
I am looking for £21,000 for the lot (£1000 in advance £20000 to the owner)
Roughly £150 per colony
And £4 per jar for the honey
Will throw the equipment in if it's taken as a job lot
Please email me Patrick Laslett
Please note I am the webmaster - not the owner of the bees
40 overwintered Nucs for sale.
They will be ready to go the beginning of April weather permitting.
All Nucs will consist of 5 BS National Hoffman frames.
There will be Eggs, Larva, Brood and frame of stores.
The Nucs are headed by a last year marked Carnolian Queen and full of bees covering all frames.
The Nucs were treated for Varroa in the autumn and again in first week of January.
They are clear of any disease and will be inspected prior to collection by the SBI.
They will be housed in a Correx travel box the night before collection.
Cost of Nuc £250 each. (£20 in advance £230 on collection)
Collection North Wiltshire
Please email me Patrick Laslett
Please note I am the webmaster - not the owner of the bees
6 x BS National Hives (11 x DN1 frames) with active colonies & marked 2022 queens, some with supers and honey.
Hives are red cedar in good condition with open mesh floors.
£220 each. (£20 in advance around £200 on collection. Exact price may vary with supers etc and honey contained.)
Collection from SN8 near Swindon Wiltshire.
Please email me Patrick Laslett
Please note I am the webmaster - not the owner of the bees
3 x 6 DN1 frame NUCS with active colonies and marked 2022 queens.
Contained in Poly Nucs included in the price.
£200 each. (£20 in advance £180 on collection)
Collect from SN8 near Swindon Wiltshire.
£30 refund for Poly Nuc box return.
Please email me Patrick Laslett
Please note I am the webmaster - not the owner of the bees
2 x BS National Hives (11 x DN1 frames) with supers and active colonies with marked queens.
Hives are red cedar and good quality with open mesh floors.
£325 each. (£25 in advance around £300 on collection.
Exact price may vary with supers and honey contained.)
2 x 6 DN1 frame NUCS with active colonies and marked queens.
Contained in Poly Nucs included in the price.
£220 each. (£20 in advance £200 on collection)
Collect from SN8 near Swindon Wiltshire.
Please email me Patrick Laslett
Please note I am the webmaster - not the owner of the bees
Colony 1 - 6 – Each a full colony on 11 British Standard National frames.
Queen 2021 – she is locally bred from Buckfast origin.
A large colony that is expanding fast.
They would need a super soon and ready to move once the weather improves again.
Varroa treatments done in Sept 2021.
Varroa drop down checked and no issues noticed.
Not really suitable for a novice beekeeper as the colony will expand very quickly and will require management.
£250 each (£25 deposit and £225 on collection).
Collection Salisbury or delivery (£30) possible within 10 mile radius from SP4.
Please email me Patrick Laslett
Please note I am the webmaster - not the owner of the bees
Retiring Beekeeper in Salisbury area selling 5 overwintered colonies in Langstroth cedar hives.
To include roof, Brood box with metal frame runners and 10 frames, 2 Supers with metal frame runners and 10 frames each, Crown board, Wire Framed Queen Excluder, Open mesh floor and entrance block
£400 each. (£25 in advance £375 on collection)
More spare kit also available
Please email me Patrick Laslett
Please note I am the webmaster - not the owner of the bees
35 overwintered Nucs for sale.
They will be ready to go the beginning of April weather permitting.
All Nucs will consist of 5 BS National Hoffman frames. There will be Eggs, Larva, Brood and frame of stores.
The Nucs are headed by a last year marked Carnolian Queen and full of bees covering all frames.
The Nucs were treated for Varroa in the autumn and again in first week of January. They are clear of any disease and will be inspected prior to collection by the SBI.
They will be housed in a Correx travel box the night before collection.
Cost of Nuc £250 each. (£20 in advance £230 on collection)
Collection North Wiltshire
Please email me Patrick Laslett
Please note I am the webmaster - not the owner of the bees
Click here for my payment details.
Honeybees for sale in Wiltshire
2021 Complete colonies in hives
12 National cedar hives (Thornes) with active colonies. 2021 queens.
Stand, open mesh floor, brood box 11 frames & dummy, wire Qx, super 8 frames, crown board and roof.
Five with 2 supers.
£275 each. (£25 in advance £250 on collection)
£2,700 for all 12. (£200 in advance £2,500 on collection)
Collection from Marlborough Wiltshire.
Please email me Patrick Laslett honeybeesforsale@gmail.com
(Please note I am the webmaster not the owner of the bees)
2021 6 overwintered Nucs for sale. SOLD
6 overwintered Nucs for sale. Ready to go the beginning of April.
• All Nucs will consist of 5 BS National Hoffman frames. There will be Eggs, Larva, Brood and frame of stores.
• The Nucs are headed by a last year marked Carnolian Queen and full of bees covering all frames.
• The Nucs were treated for Varroa in the autumn and again in first week of January.
• They are clear of any disease and will be inspected prior to collection by the SBI.
• They will be housed in a Correx travel box the night before collection.
Cost of Nuc £230 each. (£20 in advance £210 on collection)
Collection North Wiltshire
Please email me Patrick Laslett honeybeesforsale@gmail.com
(Please note I am the webmaster not the owner of the bees)
2020 6 frames nucs
6 frames nucs – this year queen, laying, 6 frames – 3-4 of brood and rest of stores
Queens – this year – can mark and clip if wanted
All are varroa treated with icing sugar – so no chemicals used
Cost - £190 (£20 in advance – rest on collection)
Location – North Dorset/South Wiltshire
Available now in cardboard nuc boxes and for next 2-4 weeks
Collection in person South Wilts/North Dorset
Please email me Patrick Laslett honeybeesforsale@gmail.com
Please note I am the web master NOT the owner of the bees
2020 6 National nucs
£210 in a maismoore nuc 6 frame (£20 in advance £190 on collection) or
£170 in a Correx box - but only 5 frames in a Correx box - (£20 in advance £150 on collection)
Collect Swindon Wiltshire
Please email me Patrick Laslett honeybeesforsale@gmail.com
(Please note I am the webmaster not the owner of the bees
2020 Bees on National and Langstroth frames SOLD
4 x full colonies on 11 BS frames - queens are 2019 and marked green.
Gentle bees from Buckfast strain, low swarming.
£175 (£25 in advance £150 on collection)
1 x full colony on 10 Langstroth frames. This is a very large colony and will
need supers very soon. Queen 2019 and marked green.
£175 (£25 in advance £150 on collection)
The bees have been inspected and are all healthy and ready to expand into supers.
Collect just outside Salisbury.
Please email me Patrick Laslett honeybeesforsale@gmail.com
(Please note I am the webmaster not the owner of the bees)
2019 Salisbury bees
Colony on 9 x Langstroth frames for sale.
Queen 2019 - hybrid bred from Buckfast queen.
Bees healthy and very calm.
Ready for a super.
Cost - £165 (£25 in advance £140 on collection)
3 x 5 frame nucs - on National standard frames.
Queens 2019 - hybrid bred from Buckfast queen.
Bees very calm, need to be moved to a hive soon.
Cost £120 each (£20 in advance £100 on collection)
Collect Salisbury
Please email me Patrick Laslett honeybeesforsale@gmail.com
(Please note I am the webmaster not the owner of the bees)
2019 Two full colonies on brood and half SOLD
Two full colonies on brood and half, both with 2018 queen - they have expanded very quickly and
very large already: they are not suitable for novice beekeepers or beekeepers just starting this year.
Due to the size they will need to be watched for swarming.
• 1 x full colony on 11 National standard frames and 11 super frames. Colony ready for honey supers.
• Bees on frames only - £240 (£25 in advance £215 on collection).
• 1 x full colony on 11 National standard frames and 11 super frames. Colony ready for honey supers.
• Bees on frames only - £240 (£25 in advance £215 on collection)
The bees have been treated for Varroa last autumn and are free of disease. They have been bred from a
Buckfast queen and is low-swarming and no issues with handling. No signs of disease and buyer can
inspect first before committing.
Please email me Patrick Laslett honeybeesforsale@gmail.com
(Please note I am the webmaster not the owner of the bees)
2019 6 complete National hives with bees SOLD
Due to illness I am needing to give up Bee-keeping.
I am offering 6 complete National hives with overwintered 2018 Queens,
Very strong calm working colonies ready end of March 2019
All hives were shook-swarmed onto new comb early 2018 and have been
verroa treated.
The equipment is not new but should have many years life/use left.
The hives will be sold as Floor, entrance block, brood box, queen
excluder, empty super, crown board, roof.
Brood chamber complete with bees and brood.
£325 per hive (£25 in advance £300 on collection)
Collection from Hampshire / Wiltshire border near Amesbury but may
consider delivery in a 30 mile radius.
Please email me Patrick Laslett honeybeesforsale@gmail.com
Please note I am the webmaster not the owner of the bees
2017 Full colonies and nucs in Salisbury SOLD
I have for sale:
• 2 x 5 frame nucleus of bees on a minimum of 3 1/2 frames of brood. They need to be moved to a full size hive soon. They are on standard National frames. Queen 2017. Bees on frames only. Can let the buyer borrow a travel box. £120 each (£20 in advance £100 on collection)
• 1 x complete colony on 11 National standard Hoffman frames. Queen 2017. Needs a super soon as colony is expanding. Bees on frames only - £175 (£25 in advance £150 on collection).
• 1 x full colony on 11 National standard frames and 11 super frames (that is mostly just food). Colony ready for extra super. Bees on frames only - £205 (£25 in advance £180 on collection).
The bees have been treated for Varroa last autumn and are free of disease. They have been bred from a Buckfast queen and is low-swarming and no issues with handling. No signs of disease and buyer can inspect first before committing.
Please email me Patrick Laslett honeybeesforsale.co.uk for my pre-payment details
Please note I am the webmaster not the owner of the bees
2017 21 colonies for sale SOLD
20 National hives
floor x 1
brood box x 1
supper x 1 (brood and a half)
queen excluder x 1
suppers x 2
crown board
ratchet strap
I WBC hive
Spare metal frame rails for brood and suppers.
6 x mouse guards
3 x APIDEA mating nucs (two with extra big feeders
2 x large 40kg honey tanks
6 x rapid feeders
1 x nuc feeder
9 x 6 litre feeders
Kochstar wax melter 2
candle moulds and wicks
2 x smokers
1 x large electric steam uncapping tray
1 x bbwear full suit
1x bbwear jacket
1 x wooden Nuc
Will add more items when I find them
I have also at least 10 empty hives/three with frames and the rest all empty
One buyer preferred £8,500 (£500 in advance £8,000 on collection)
Please email me Patrick Laslett honeybeesforsale@gmail.com
Please note I am the webmaster not the owner of the bees
2017 5 complete colonies Wiltshire SOLD
5 hives in total all national some are standard and others are deep.They have come through winter very well and are fighting fit.
£275 per hive (£25 in advance £250 on collection)
If someone would like to take the lot he/she can also have a load of spare equipment, hive parts, frames, smoker etc
Please email me Patrick Laslett honeybeesforsale@gmail.com
Please note I am the webmaster not the owner of the bees
2016 Three colonies - Wiltshire (Salisbury) ALL SOLD
Colony 1: £325 (£25 payment in advance £300 on collection)
A full colony on brood plus half. The bees are being sold with the hive due to relocation to Germany.
Bees sold on BS Frames. Hive: Varroa floor, brood box, super, crown board, roof. Stand included if wanted.
They are good to handle and no disease have been found. Bee Inspector attended May 2016 and no disease has been found.
They have been treated with Apiguard last autumn and oxalic acid last Christmas.
A very quick inspection was done two weeks back and queen and bees seem healthy and also very well tempered. At that stage there was only about two frames of brood, but if possible an inspection will be done this Easter weekend.
Various items of equipment for sale when collecting bees, if interested.
Colony 2: £325 (£25 payment in advance £300 on collection)
A full colony on brood plus half. The bees are being sold with the hive due to relocation to Germany.
Bees sold on BS Frames. Hive: Varroa floor, brood box, super, crown board, roof. Stand included if wanted.
They are good to handle and no disease have been found. Bee Inspector attended May 2016 and no disease has been found.
They have been treated with Apiguard last autumn and oxalic acid last Christmas.
A very quick inspection was done two weeks back and queen and bees seem healthy and also very well tempered. At that stage there was only about two frames of brood, but if possible an inspection will be done this Easter weekend.
Various items of equipment for sale when collecting bees, if interested.
Colony 3: £225 (£25 payment in advance and £200 on collection)
An overwintered nuc in one brood box. The bees are being sold with the hive due to relocation to Germany.
Bees sold on BS Frames. Hive: Solid floor, brood box, crown board, roof. Stand included if wanted.
They are good to handle and no disease have been found. Bee Inspector attended May 2016 and no disease has been found.
They have been treated with oxalic acid last Christmas.
A very quick inspection was done two weeks back and queen and bees seem healthy and also very well tempered. At that stage there was only about one frame of brood, but if possible an inspection will be done this Easter weekend.
Various items of equipment for sale when collecting bees, if interested.
Please email me for my advance payment options Patrick Laslett plaslett@gmail.com
2015 Your last opportunity to buy from this bee keeper
Colony 1: £205 (£25 deposit in advance £180 on collection) SOLD
Very large colony in national brood plus half. Queen 2015 - marked but not clipped
They are on a brood plus half.
Bees sold on BS Frames.
They are good to handle and no disease have been found. Bee Inspector attended May this year and no disease has been found.
This colony will need an experienced beekeeper and not suitable for a novice. It is very large colony and will have to be moved with brood and supers.
They can be sold with the hive if wanted. (add £70 for complete hive).
Colony 2: £205 (£25 deposit in advance £180 on collection)
Large colony in national brood plus half. Queen 2015 -
They are on a brood plus half.
Bees sold on BS Frames.
They are good to handle and no disease have been found. Bee Inspector attended May this year and no disease has been found.
It is very large colony and will have to be moved with brood and supers.
They can be sold with the hive if wanted. (add £70 for complete hive).
Colony 3: £175 (£25 deposit in advance £150 on collection)
Colony on a standard brood box. Six frames of eggs/brood. Queen 2015 - marked.
Bees sold on BS Frames.
They are good to handle and no disease have been found. Bee Inspector attended May this year and no disease has been found.
They can be sold with the hive if wanted. (add £50 for complete hive).
Colony 4: £175 (£25 deposit in advance £150 on collection) SOLD
Colony on a standard brood box plus a super full of food. Three frames of eggs/brood (queen mated only a few weeks ago so brood area not big but lots of bees). Queen 2015 - marked.
Bees sold on BS Frames. Super frames with food included. This would be useful to leave as Winter stores so no feeding would be required.
They are good to handle and no disease have been found. Bee Inspector attended May this year and no disease has been found.
They can be sold with the hive if wanted. (add £50 for complete hive).
Please email me for my deposit payment options patrick@laslett.com
2015 Very large colony in national brood plus half. SOLD
Colony 1: £225 (£25 deposit in advance £200 on collection)
Very large colony in national brood plus half. Queen 2015 - marked but not clipped
They are on a brood plus half and have one honey super on which is almost full.
Bees sold on BS Frames and super with honey included in price.
They are good to handle and no disease have been found. Bee Inspector attended May this
year and no disease has been found.
This colony will need an experienced beekeeper and not suitable for a novice. It is very
large colony and will have to be moved with brood and supers.
They can be sold with the hive if wanted. (add £100 for complete hive as found).
Please email me for my my deposit payment options patrick@laslett.com (Webmaster)
I have three colonies to sell: SOLD
Colony 1: Brood plus half, BS frames
Bees only - £180 - plus £25 deposit. Bees plus hive - £280.
Large colony in national brood plus half. They are on 7/8 frames brood/larva and eggs in all stages of development. Queen 2014 - marked green but not clipped
They fill both brood and super, so will need extra space soon and should give a crop this spring.
They have been treated for varroa in autumn and in Dec and the mite drop is low. They are good to handle and no disease have been found.
Colony 2: Brood plus half, BS Frames
Bees only £130 plus £25 deposit - Bees plus hive £230.
The colony is on 6/7 frames brood, larva and eggs. Queen 2013 - marked red but not clipped.
They have been treated for varroa in autumn and in Dec and the mite drop is low. They are good to handle and no disease have been found.
Bees sold on BS frames.
Colony 3 - 14x12 frames - £300 plus deposit of £25
The colony is sold with the hive - floor, 14x12 brood box, crown board and roof.
Large colony in 14x12 broodbox. They are on 6/7 frames brood/larva and eggs in all stages of development. Queen 2014 - marked but not clipped.
They have been treated for varroa in autumn and in Dec and the mite drop is low. They are good to handle and no disease have been found.
Bees sold on BS frames.
Please email me for my my deposit payment options patrick@laslett.com (Webmaster)
2015 I have two full colonies and a nuc available for sale: SOLD
Colony 1: £255 (£25 deposit in advance £225 on collection)
Very large colony in national brood plus half. They are on four/five frames brood/larva and eggs in all stages of development. Queen 2014 - marked but not clipped
They fill both brood and super, so will need extra space soon and should give a crop this spring.
They have been treated for varroa in autumn and in Dec and the mite drop is low. They are good to handle and no disease have been found.
This colony will need an experienced beekeeper and not suitable for a beginner. It is very large and should with the right weather coditions give a spring honey crop.
Bees sold on BS frames.
They can be sold with the hive if wanted. (add £100 for complete hive as found).
Colony 2: £180 plus £25 deposit
A large colony on 4/5 frames brood, larva and eggs. Queen 2014 - marked green but not clipped.
The colony is expanding very fast. Currently on 11 BS frames, but will need extra space very soon.
They have been treated for varroa in autumn and in Dec and the mite drop is low. They are good to handle and no disease have been found.
This colony will need an experienced beekeeper and not suitable for a beginner. It is very large and should with the right weather conditions give a spring honey crop.
Bees sold on BS frames.
They can be sold with the hive if wanted. (add £100 for complete hive plus super as found).
Nuc 3: £100 plus £20 deposit
Queen 2014 - marked but not clipped.
The nuc is on 3 frames of brood, expanding fast. They have been treated for varroa in autumn and in Dec and the mite drop is low.
Bees sold on BS frames. Can be sold with new travel box for extra £30.
Please email patrick@laslett.com (webmaster) for my deposit payment options
2014 5 frame nuc 2014 queen
2014 queen; laying well on five frames of brood. They need to be transferred to
a brood box soon. The queen is marked but not clipped. They are on British
Standard frames. Location: Salisbury / Wiltshire
Cost - £140 (deposit £20 in advance £120 on collection)
Please email me patrick@laslett.com (Webmaster) for deposit payment details
2014 - 5th March - as of the 11th March these bees are SOLD
However, there maybe more available later in the year - so if you would like
one of those please email me to be on my list patrick@laslett.com
2 Nucs and 2 colonies for sale in Salisbury
The nucs are £120 each + £20 deposit (paid in advance) and
the full colonies £200 each + £25 deposit (paid in advance).
They are on BS national frames, have been treated for varroa in 2013 and docile.
The beekeeper writes: The buyer is welcome (and I would prefer) for them to inspect
the bees with me before the sale is confirmed.
Buyers: please check the pages below to see if there are
bees for sale near you. If you can't find the bees you are looking for in
these pages please email me honeybeesforsale@gmail.com
Honeybees for sale in Bedfordshire
Honeybees for sale in Birmingham
Honeybees for sale in Bolton
Honeybees for sale in Bristol
Honeybees for sale in Buckingham
Honeybees for sale in Cambridge
Honeybees for sale in Cheshire
Honeybees for sale in Cleveland
Honeybees for sale in Co Antrim
Honeybees for sale in Cornwall
Honeybees for sale in Coventry
Honeybees for sale in Cumbria
Honeybees for sale in Derbyshire
Honeybees for sale in Devon
Honeybees for sale in Dorset
Honeybees for sale in Essex
Honeybees for sale in Exmore
Honeybees for sale in Gloucester
Honeybees for sale in Hampshire
Honeybees for sale in Herefordshire
Honeybees for sale in Hertfordshire
Honeybees for sale in Huddersfield
Honeybees for sale in Kent
Honeybees for sale in Lancashshire
Honeybees for sale in Leeds
Honeybees for sale in Leicestershire
Honeybees for sale in Lincolnshire
Honeybees for sale in Liverpool
Honeybees for sale in London
Honeybees for sale in Manchester
Honeybees for sale in Mersyside
Honeybees for sale in Mid Wales
Honeybees for sale in Middlesex
Honeybees for sale in Milton Keynes
Honeybees for sale in North Yorkshire
Honeybees for sale in Newcastle
Honeybees for sale in Norfolk
Honeybees for sale in North Wales
Honeybees for sale in Northamptonshire
Honeybees for sale in Northumberland
Honeybees for sale in Northumbria
Honeybees for sale in Nottinghamshire
Honeybees for sale in Oxfordshire
Honeybees for sale in Plymouth
Honeybees for sale in Scotland
Honeybees for sale in Scunthorpe
Honeybees for sale in Sheffield
Honeybees for sale in Shrewsbury
Honeybees for sale in Shropshire<
Honeybees for sale in Solihull
Honeybees for sale in Somerset
Honeybees for sale in Staffordshire
Honeybees for sale in Suffolk
Honeybees for sale in Sunderland
Honeybees for sale in Surrey
Honeybees for sale in Sussex
Honeybees for sale in The Wirral
Honeybees for sale in Tyne & Wear
Honeybees for sale in Tyne Tees
Honeybees for sale in Wales
Honeybees for sale in Warwickshire
Honeybees for sale in Wiltshire
Honeybees for sale in Wisbech
Honeybees for sale in Worcestershire
Honeybees for sale in Yorkshire
Honeybees for sale in The West Midlands
Honeybees for sale in Yarn On Tees
Buyers: if you can't find the bees you are looking for in
these pages please email me honeybeesforsale@gmail.com