Honeybees for sale by beekeepers in Surrey UK

Beekeepers: if you have bees for sale please email me honeybeesforsale@gmail.com

New for 2025

You can buy these bees now.

Overwintered Nucs for sale.
The nucs will be ready in April weather permitting.
Our nucs includes 5 National frames, eggs, larva, and brood.
The queen bee is Buckfast from last year.
We do inspect our bees regularly and also treated for Varroa.
They will travel in a Correx Box.
Cost of Nucs £270 (£20 in advance and £250 on collection)
Collection from Staines upon Thames TW18
Please email me Patrick Laslett
Please note I am the webmaster - not the owner of the bees


Large Langstroth colony of bees needs to go.
The bees moved in a spare box seven years ago and are now in a tower block of boxes.
They are a very well established colony - but they are too near the house.
The owner reckons moving these bees is a job for an experienced bee keeper.
The price for the bees and boxes (plus some spare brood frames) is £275 (£25 in advance £250 on collection).
Collection just North of Byfleet South of Weybridge.
Please email me Patrick Laslett
Please note I am the webmaster - not the owner of the bees

20 over winter 6 frames nucs, queen Buckfast 2023, available after 15 April £240 each (£20 in advance £220 on collection)
20 colonies 11 frames, queen 2023, Buckfast, available after 15 April, £325 each (£25 in advance £300 on collection)
50 nucs 6 frames, queen Buckfast 2024, available after 20 May, £200 each (£20 in advance £180 on collection)
Buckfast Queens £35 available after 10 May
Collection Crawley
Please email me Patrick Laslett
Please note I am the webmaster - not the owner of the bees


2 x 6 frame nucs for sale.
Headed by a 2023 Carniolan queen.
To put it simply bursting at the seams with bees and honey.
£220 for the bees (£20 in advance £200 on collection)
£50 deposit for the nuc box.
Located Reigate, RH6.
Please email me Patrick Laslett
Please note I am the webmaster - not the owner of the bees

5 overwintered 2022 queens marked 6 frames National nucs in Edgware NW London £240 each (£20 in advance £220 on collection)
8 overwintered 2022 queens marked 6 frames National nucs in Longcross Egham £240 (£20 in advance £220 on collection)
5 overwintered 2022 queens marked 5 frames 14/12 nucs in Longcross Egham £240 (£20 in advance £220 on collection)
Deposit for the nuc box £75
Nucs must be collected ASAP latest first week of April
Bulk buy 10% discount
Please email me Patrick Laslett
Please note I am the webmaster - not the owner of the bees

20 overwintered Nucs for sale.
The nucs will be ready in April weather permitting.
Our nucs includes 5 National frames, eggs, larva, and brood.
The queen bee is Buckfast from last year.
We do inspect our bees regularly and also treated for Varroa.
They will travel in Correx Box.
Cost of Nucs £270 (£20 in advance and £250 on collection)
Collection from Staines upon Thames TW18
Please email me Patrick Laslett
Please note I am the webmaster - not the owner of the bees


10 x 6 frame national for £240 each (£20 in advance £220 on collection)
4 x 5 frame 14/12 £240 each (£20 in advance £220 on collection)
Bulk buy 10% discount
Location Longcross Studios Egham
Please email me Patrick Laslett
Please note I am the webmaster - not the owner of the bees

Two Nucs for sale, both 2021 Carniolan queens marked.
6 frames, national standard.
Currently in poly boxes, (I would like a deposit for the box if you take it away or you can bring your own box of choice).
Should be ready to depart around end of April early May.
£270 each (£20 in advance £250 on collection) Collect - Reigate, Surrey

Please email me Patrick Laslett honeybeesforsale@gmail.com
Please note I am the webmaster - not the owner of the bees

20 overwintered 6 frames national nucs in Staines upon Thames
Price £270 (£20 in advance £250 on collection)

Please email me Patrick Laslett honeybeesforsale@gmail.com
Please note I am the webmaster - not the owner of the bees

Nuc on Langstroth frames £240 (£20 in advance £220 on collection)
Chessington South London

Please email me Patrick Laslett honeybeesforsale@gmail.com
Please note I am the webmaster - not the owner of the bees

Click here for my payment details.

Honeybees for sale in Surrey

2021 Nuc ready to go 5 frame nuc ready to go, they have just started to lay up the 5th frame. It has a 2021 marked queen. In a Correx box. £215 (£20 in advance £195 on collection) Please email me honeybeesforsale@gmail.com (Please note I am the webmaster not the owner of the bees)

2021 One 5 frame nuc One 5 frame national nuc for sale in Reigate, Surrey. Marked 2021 Italian Queen, very docile and good laying pattern, just inspected today. For collection middle of the month onwards. £220 (£20 in advance, £200 on collection) with a £40 deposit for the Nuc box, alternatively can put into a correx box at cost. Please email me honeybeesforsale@gmail.com (Please note I am the webmaster not the owner of the bees)

2021 Summer Nucs SOLD 6 frame nucs on DN4 frames with 2020 mated queen - locally reared from our own breeding stock. Calm, gentle bees that are great foragers. Supplied in a Paynes poly nuc. Bees are £190 (£20 in advance £170 on collection) plus a deposit of £40 for the Paynes nuc box which is refundable on return of nuc box within 2 weeks from collection. Bees will only be sold to those who have had beekeeping training. Collect near Guildford Please email me honeybeesforsale@gmail.com (Please note I am the webmaster not the owner of the bees)

2021 20 overwintered 6 frames nucs SOLD SUMMER NUCS CAN BE BOOKED NOW 20 overwintered 6 frames nucs supplied with a marked 2020 mated Buckfast queen eager and ready to begin a new season. Provided on British National frames with brood and bees at all stages. Including a free wooden nuc box. Collection from Staines upon Thames from April/May weather permitting.. Price £240 (£20 in advance £220 on collection) Please email me Patrick Laslett honeybeesforsale@gmail.com (Please note I am the webmaster not the owner of the bees)

2021 spring/summer bees National Nuc standard - £220 (£20 in advance £200 on collection)
National Nuc 14/12  - £240 (£20 in advance £220 on collection) (If the bees are to be booked early then the beekeeper may with to take a deposit to hold them for you) If required additional £50 deposit on collection for the box (and refunded when the box is returned) Collect: Maidenhead. Please email me Patrick Laslett honeybeesforsale@gmail.com (Please note I am the webmaster not the owner of the bees)

2020 Nuc available in Woking. There are 3-4 frames of brood of mixed ages with a good brood pattern. 1 frame of stores. 2020 marked queen, originally of buckfast stock but subsequently locally mated. Her mother was very productive in terms of bees and honey, I took 4 full supers off her mother in June. The queen Is a little smaller than might be ideal, the first queen cell failed and the bees took matters into their own hands when I introduced a fresh frame of brood and retrieved matters without me ;). Price £145 to reflect the size of the queen, (£20 in advance £125 on collection) plus £15 to buy a Correx box. If the buyer is local, I am happy to loan a nuc box for a £45 refundable deposit. Recently treated for Varroa Please email me honeybeesforsale@gmail.com (Please note I am the webmaster not the owner of the bees)

2020 Summer nucs 6 frame nucs on DN4 frames with 2020 mated queen - locally reared from our own breeding stock. Calm, gentle bees that are great foragers. Supplied in a Paynes poly nuc. Bees are £185 (£20 in advance £165 on collection) plus a deposit of £40 for the Paynes nuc box which is refundable on return of nuc box 2 weeks from collection. Bees will only be sold to those who have had beekeeping training. Collect near Guildford Please email me honeybeesforsale@gmail.com (Please note I am the webmaster not the owner of the bees)

2020 Colonies, nucs, packages National Nuc - £240 (£20 in advance £220 on collection) Full Colony - £465 (£25 in advance £440 on collection) Packaged Bees - £225 (£20 in advance £205 on collection) Complete Beehive with Bees: Assembled - £620 (£25 in advance £595 on collection) If the new beekeeper needs help and live locally can help to set the hive. Collection from Staines Please email me Patrick Laslett honeybeesforsale@gmail.com (Please note I am the webmaster not the owner of the bees.)

2020 Six Frame National Nucs Staines/Maidenhead Six Frame National Nucleus Price £250 (£20 paid in advance) £230 at the collection. A young 2020 laying Queen Collection in May June, weather permitting. Please email me Patrick Laslett honeybeesforsale@gmail.com (Please note I am the webmaster not the owner of the bees.)

2019 Colony in Dadant hive Strong complete colony in Polyester Dadant hive with 2 supers. 2019 queen (Buckfast). Very strong colony - more supers available if required. £375 complete (£25 in advance £350 on collection) Collect Sutton Surrey. Please email me Patrick Laslett honeybeesforsale@gmail.com (Please note I am the webmaster not the owner of the bees.)

2019 Overwintered nucs available in April 6-frame nucs for sale, on Standard National Frames with a late 2018 overwintered Queen, bred from a Buckfast breeder queen and open mated. Overwintered well and building up very nicely. £220 to collect, (£20 in advance £200 on collection). Buyer to collect please. Located near Staines upon Thames Please email me Patrick Laslett honeybeesforsale@gmail.com (Please note I am the webmaster not the owner of the bees.)

2018 6 FRAME NUCS FOR SALE New Buckfast queens, ready to go, £190 (£20 in advance £170 on collection). Collection from Staines upon Thames TW184JL. Please email me Patrick Laslett honeybeesforsale@gmail.com Please note I am the webmaster not the owner of the bees.

2018 Nuc - 6 frames new queen Buckfast 2018 Full of bees for £180 (£20 inadvance £160 on collection) Collection from Staines upon Thames or free delivery if local (5 miles) Please email me Patrick Laslett honeybeesforsale@gmail.com Please note I am the webmaster not the owner of the bees.

2017 Three colonies in WBC hives plus spare kit Surrey 3 x bee colonies, each in a red cedar unpainted WBC hive with stand base with mesh floor, 2 x brood boxes and 2 x Supers. Each hive has a crown board and roof with metal cover. They are all strong colonies and have recently been treated with Apilife. We also have a National (no bees but painted dark brown) with mesh floor, stand, 3 x supers, 2 x brood, crown board, queen excluder and roof with metal cover. We have a NUC (no bees) and a solar wax extractor for sale. Price for everything £1350 (£50 in advance £1300 on collection) Please email me Patrick Laslett at honeybeesforsale@gmail.com Please note I am the webmaster not the owner of the bees.

2017 Two nucs for sale Woking, Surrey SOLD Nuc 1:       5 Frame Nuc:  3 ½ frames of Brood, 1 ½ frames of Stores                 DN4 Frames                 The box is at capacity, they are clearly very productive Nuc 2:  2017 Queen (Surrey Mongrels)                 5 Frame Nuc:  4 frames of Brood, ½ frames of Stores                 DN4 Frames                 There is a little bit of growing room left in the box but not much Prices  £150ea (£20 in advance £130 on pickup) +£10 for a Corex box. If you don’t want a Corex box, the nuc box can be borrowed in return for a £40 returnable deposit.  If the new queens follow their mother, these will be strong productive colonies and I would recommend a double brood box system. Please email me Patrick Laslett honeybeesforsale@gmail.com Please note I am the webmaster not the owner of the bees.

2017 Four standard national nucs Surrey. SOLD I have four standard national nucs for sale, with 2016 marked queens.   The bees have a very calm temperament and are a real pleasure to handle.   The price per nuc is £180 (£20 in advance and £160 on collection) (this includes the cost of the Paynes nuc and travel strap). Please email me Patrick Laslett honeybeesforsale@gmail.com for my payment options Please note I am the webmaster not the owner of the bees.

2017 BEES and EQUIPMENT Guildford, Surrey A number of ESTABLISHED OVERWINTERED COLONIES with 2016 Queen  (National Standard brood frames)
The colonies were treated for Varroa late summer/autumn 2016, have a gentle temperament and are good foragers. All queens are locally reared from our gentle breeding stock. Price of each colony: £200 (excluding hive) - £25 in advance £175 on collection
These colonies are available in early spring as soon as the weather allows.
Larger colonies consisting of double brood box and a super are also available at an extra charge NUCS (available to pre-order now)

(We do not overwinter nucs)
6 Frame Nucs (National standard frames) with 2017 mated queen (marked yellow).
Supplied in 6 frame Poly Nuc. £170 - (£20 in advance £150 on collection)
+ £30 nuc deposit which is refundable on return.

5 Frame Nucs (National standard frames) with 2017 mated queen (marked yellow).
Supplied in 5 frame Correx Travelling Box. Price: £175. (£20 in advance £155 on collection) The nucs will have a mated 2017 Queen, locally reared from our gentle breeding stock, together with a combination of her brood in various stages and stores. These nucs will be available from mid June onwards depending on the weather. Please email me Patrick Laslett honeybeesforsale@gmail.com for my pre-payment details

2016 Two nucs left Woking SOLD 3 x 5 frame Nuc’s have just become available, 3-4 frames of brood and one of solid stores, located Woking, Surrey area, 2016 queens. £150 with a corex box (£20 in advance £130 on collection) Please email me Patrick Laslett plaslett@gmail.com 2016 Nucs and colonies 
Frame size - Standard National
Frames info - a 6 frame nuc tends to have at least 4 frames of brood. A 5 frame nuc around 3 or 4 frames of brood 
Queens - all queens are 2015 mated queens (this applies to colonies for sale this spring)
Marking - Queens have been marked 
Travel box - we have Paynes and Maisemore poly nucs both with 6 frames, or correx travel box with 5 frames
Kind of bees - originally Buckfast but are now Hampshire/Surrey border mongrels
Inspection - the bees have never been inspected
Disease - our apiaries have never had any notifiable diseases or anywhere around us
Varroa treatment - the bees were last treated for varroa in autumn 2015. I have full list of all inspections and treatment

Origin - bees are all locally reared, I have never used import queens.

Nucs with new colonies (2016 Queen) can be pre-ordered. Details as follows:

6 frames in Paynes / Maisemore polynuc £160 (£20 in advance £140 on pick up) + £30 deposit for poly nuc which will be refunded on return or buyer may wish to keep the polynuc for the £30

5 frames in correx travel box £165 (£20 in advance £145 on pick up)

Established colonies available in spring (also on Standard National frames - hives not included, frames to be transferred into Buyer's own hive) - for sale as soon as we have been able to do health checks and check the queen in spring - £185. (£25 in advance £160 on pick up)

We only sell bees with a nice temperament and a good laying queen. Please email me for my advance payment options Patrick Laslett plaslett@gmail.com (Webmaster)

2015 5 framed nucs Weybridge I have 4 nucs in Weybridge Surrey for sale I would like £170 each (£20 deposit in 
advance £150 on collection). The nucs are made from correx with 5 frames each. Please email me for my deposit payment options patrick@laslett.com 2015 Nucs Surrey, Hampshire and Sussex border I now have 3 standard national nucs with beautiful mated 2015 queens, and 1 of the larger 12x14 national nucs with a 2015 mated queen available for sale.   Positive feed back from people who have purchased the bees, include the following email:   Just a note to let you know that the bees have settled in to their new hives and are well on their way to filling a full brood box. With good weather I think I'll be adding a super to each next weekend. Thank you for some nice, calm, easy handling bees. Standard nucs £160 (£20 deposit in advance £140 on collection) 14 x 12 deep framed nucs £170 (£20 deposit in advance £150 on collection) Please email me for my deposit payment options patrick@laslett.com (Webmaster)

2015 Nucs for sale 6 standard national nucs £160 (£20 deposit in advance £140 on collection). 1 14x12 nuc available All very calm bees with marked 2014 queens Please email me for my deposit payment options patrick@laslett.com Colonies for Sale in Weybridge, Surrey 4 x National hives that includes the following: - Wired floor - 2 x Brood with wax - 1 x Super with Wax - 1 x Super empty - 1 x Plastic feeder - 1 x Wood/Metal Roof - 1 x Crown board - 1 x Queen excluder - 1 x mouse guard - 1 x Queen in lower box with Bees over 2/3 boxes 1 x National hives that includes the following: - Wired floor - 1 x Brood with wax - 2 x Super with Wax - 1 x Super empty - 1 x Plastic feeder - 1 x Wood/Metal Roof - 1 x Crown Board - 1 x Queen excluder - 1 x mouse guard - 1 x Queen in lower box with Bees over 2/3 boxes Bees have been on new foundation in 2014, colonies have brood, stores and lava in preparation for winter and all are being feed at present. The honey yield in 2014 averages 136 lbs per hive. All hives have been inspected by the local inspector within last 2/3 months. Price per hive £320.00 (£25 deposit in advance £295 on collection) Please email for deposit payment details: patrick@laslett.com

2014 I have two full colonies and one small colony from a swarm with a queen that is laying. Bees will be available in 5 frame corex nucleus post boxes For the two full colonies I would like £75 (£25 deposit in advance £50 on collection) For the smaller colony it will be £50 (£20 deposit in advance £30 on collection) I would be prepared to sell the full hive set up - these are cedar national hives (1 x brood, 1 x super,  base, queen excluder, clear inspection board, gabled roof and bees) These would be £245 each, (£25 deposit £220 on collection) £205 for smaller colony (£25 deposit £180 on collection) (as other hives but with flat roof). For deposit payment options please email me patrick@laslett.com (webmaster) On the payment of the deposit you will e put directly in touch with the beekeeper. 2014 Bees for sale - 2 nucs 3 colonies Woking Surrey 29/6/2014 SOLD

I have had a bad reaction to bee stings and thus am having to sell all my bees, really sad. Based 
Woking, Surrey.   2x Nucs of Bees Two strong five frame national Nucs of bees. Bees and Nucs being sold; both nucs are home 
made from 18mm OSB, undercoat and breathable white exterior paint, mesh floors, crown board, 
roof with 2mm aluminium on top/ventilation holes built in, both also come with ekes high enough to 
take a 4pint feeder, but 3mm walls so not too wide. 2014 Queens. 
£145 each (£20 deposit in advance £120 on collection)   All Equipment is National and was either new or fully refurbished by myself including scorching, sanding 
etc and treating with Linseed Oil or in a few cases breathable paint.  All with metal runners.   Bees: Hive 1 Very strong full brood box, plus one super, metal roof, crown board, mesh floor, entrance block all 
frames new 2014 as one of my own Prime Swarms, 2014 Queen. £220 (£25 deposit in advance 
and £195 on collection)   Bees: Hive 2 Strong brood and half (mostly new frames), 2014 Queen created through Snelgrove, solid floor homemade 
brand new, super – all new frames, perspex crown board a bit scratched, metal roof £240 (£25 deposit in 
advance £215 on collection)   Bees: Hive 3 One brood box, plus one super, metal roof, crown board, mesh floor, entrance block, 
all frames new 2014 as early swarm this year, 2014 Queen. £210 (£25 deposit in advance £185 on collection) For deposit payment options please email me patrick@laslett.com

 2014 5 colonies + extractor and equipment in Guildford 29/6/2014 5 national hives 2 Thornes cedar and 3 supplied by backyard bees these are painted cream with cedar shingle roofs much nicer to look at all have full working colony's of bees in,either Buckfast or Calionian queens all very healthy and working well each hive has two supers with sn4 frames and the brood boxes have dn4 frames this is a complete set up so comes with 4 frame spinner from Thornes, settling tank with sieves, smoker brand new bee suit, gloves etc hive tools, box of 12oz jars.   Inspection is expected and welcomed before purchase I can help with delivery to new site if needed. Job lot all in £1375.00 (£125 deposit in advance £1250 on collection. Please email me patrick@laslett.com for deposit payment options.

2014 Nucs in Polystyrene Nuc Boxes National frames. Near Guildford. Nucs including polybox £170 (£20 deposit in advance £150 on collection) Please email me patrick@laslett.com for deposit payment details 2014 Two 12 x 14 nucs (6 frames) 25/5/2014 Several Standard National nucs (6 frames) • All have 2014 Queens, with brood in all stages. • Temperament – very calm, stay on the frames • Prolific layers – good honey harvest, Buckfast origin. Bees are £180 (£20 deposit in advance £160 on collection) including the polynuc box (12x14) Bees are £160 (£20 deposit in advance £140 on collection) including the polynuc box (Standard National) For deposit payment details please email me patrick@laslett.com 2014 4 colonies for sale - 14x12 frames posted 21/5/2014 SOLD 4 Paynes polystyrene hives, 3 with full colonies with 2013 queens and 1 smaller colony with a new queen, all on 14/12. Ideally we would like to retain the hives so any buyer would bring their own box. However if this is problematic we could sell as a whole item. Bees on their own - you supply your own hive - £150 (£25 deposit paid in advance £125 paid on collection) Bees in the box - you take the bees away in the box - £250 (£25 deposit paid in advance £225 paid on collection) Please email me patrick@laslett.com for deposit payment details

2014 Six frame nucs for sale posted 9/5/2014 I have 10 nuc's for sale. 4 of these are overwintered nuc's Polystyrene Nuc Boxes National Buckfast Bees Overwintered Nuc's 2013 Queen and others new queen Queens not marked 3 Brood and 3 Storage Healthy Bees I am based in Ewhurst Surrey and would like £220.00 each (£20 deposit paid in advance And £200 payable on collection). Would be willing to deliver 10 miles radius from home and place bees with ongoing support and advice if needed. For deposit payment details please email patrick@laslett.com (Webmaster)

2014 Five six frame nucs for sale SOLD One 12 x 14 nuc (6 frames) 
Five standard national nucs (6 frames) All have 2013 Queens, mated, and nucs have plenty brood in all stages, and ready to move into 
a full hive ASAP. All Queens are marked Temperament – very calm, stay on the frames Prolific layers – good honey harvest, Buckfast origin. Bees are £160 (£20 deposit paid in advance) including the polynuc box

Please email me for for deposit payment details patrick@laslett.com
 SOLD 30/7/2013 Our bee keeper writes: - Nuc currently on 5 (national) frames in a NUC box, where they have been for almost 4 weeks, so well established, and need a new home asap.   I would be happy to take £160 for them (and I keep my NUC box). I am based in North East Surrey. There is a £10 deposit so please email me for payment details patrick@laslett.com Do you have honey bees for sale in Surrey? We are always on the look out for more beekeepers with bees to sell. It doesn't matter if you only have a few spare colonies or a couple of nucs. If you would like to sell them then we would like to hear from you. Would you like to advertise your products or services on this page?

Buyers: please check the pages below to see if there are bees for sale near you. If you can't find the bees you are looking for in these pages please email me honeybeesforsale@gmail.com

Honeybees for sale in Bedfordshire
Honeybees for sale in Birmingham
Honeybees for sale in Bolton
Honeybees for sale in Bristol
Honeybees for sale in Buckingham
Honeybees for sale in Cambridge
Honeybees for sale in Cheshire
Honeybees for sale in Cleveland
Honeybees for sale in Co Antrim
Honeybees for sale in Cornwall
Honeybees for sale in Coventry
Honeybees for sale in Cumbria
Honeybees for sale in Derbyshire
Honeybees for sale in Devon
Honeybees for sale in Dorset
Honeybees for sale in Essex
Honeybees for sale in Exmore
Honeybees for sale in Gloucester
Honeybees for sale in Hampshire
Honeybees for sale in Herefordshire
Honeybees for sale in Hertfordshire
Honeybees for sale in Huddersfield
Honeybees for sale in Kent
Honeybees for sale in Lancashshire
Honeybees for sale in Leeds
Honeybees for sale in Leicestershire
Honeybees for sale in Lincolnshire
Honeybees for sale in Liverpool
Honeybees for sale in London
Honeybees for sale in Manchester
Honeybees for sale in Mersyside
Honeybees for sale in Mid Wales
Honeybees for sale in Middlesex
Honeybees for sale in Milton Keynes
Honeybees for sale in North Yorkshire
Honeybees for sale in Newcastle
Honeybees for sale in Norfolk
Honeybees for sale in North Wales
Honeybees for sale in Northamptonshire
Honeybees for sale in Northumberland
Honeybees for sale in Northumbria
Honeybees for sale in Nottinghamshire
Honeybees for sale in Oxfordshire
Honeybees for sale in Plymouth
Honeybees for sale in Scotland
Honeybees for sale in Scunthorpe
Honeybees for sale in Sheffield
Honeybees for sale in Shrewsbury
Honeybees for sale in Shropshire<
Honeybees for sale in Solihull
Honeybees for sale in Somerset
Honeybees for sale in Staffordshire
Honeybees for sale in Suffolk
Honeybees for sale in Sunderland
Honeybees for sale in Surry
Honeybees for sale in Sussex
Honeybees for sale in The Wirral
Honeybees for sale in Tyne & Wear
Honeybees for sale in Tyne Tees
Honeybees for sale in Wales
Honeybees for sale in Warwickshire
Honeybees for sale in Wiltshire
Honeybees for sale in Wisbech
Honeybees for sale in Worcestershire
Honeybees for sale in Yorkshire
Honeybees for sale in The West Midlands
Honeybees for sale in Yarn On Tees

Buyers: if you can't find the bees you are looking for in these pages please email me honeybeesforsale@gmail.com