Honeybees for sale by beekeepers in Manchester UK

Beekeepers: if you have bees you would like to sell in this site please email me honeybeesforsale@gmail.com

New for 2025

Over wintered nucs for sale. On 6 National frames. £170 (£20 in advance £150 on collection).
Supplied Correx box £10, or bring your own. Get Honey this year.
A full hive of bees for sale.
These are last years hives very proficient in honey production.
Can be transferred into 2 x Correx boxes for £20. 11 x National frames.
£225. (£25 in advance £200 on collection)Honey this year.
11 frame national hives with bees, including, open mesh floor, brood box, queen excluder, super, crown board and deep roof. £375 (£25 in advance £350 on collection).
Collect Mossley
Please email me Patrick Laslett
Please note I am the webmaster - not the owner of the bees

New for 2023

Honey production colonies available from our commercial operation.
including: A cedar hive, - floor, brood box, crown board and roof.
These hives are from older stock, but are in good condition.
11 frames of bees, brood and stores, ready for a super asap.
These bees are all from Buckfast stock, locally reared to be hardy and prolific.
We have received incredibly positive feedback in previous years for our bees. You will not be disappointed.
The price of our honey production colonies is £375 (£25 in advance £350 on collection).
Collection Greater Manchester area
Please email me Patrick Laslett
Please note I am the webmaster - not the owner of the bees

2 Full Colonies Available.
National Frames.
Black british bee, prolific honey producers and well adapted to British climate.
2022 unmarked queen.
£425 each (£25 in advance £400 on collection).
Ready for collection from Manchester.
Please email me Patrick Laslett
Please note I am the webmaster - not the owner of the bees


8 National framed nucs for sale at £180 each (£20 in advance £160 on collection).
Please email me Patrick Laslett
Please note I am the webmaster - not the owner of the bees

Local bees for sale with 2022 queen local breed and open mated.
Prolific, hardy, good honey producers, good mannered bees.
The nuc is on 5 British Standard National DN4 frames with brood at all stages (capped brood, larvae, and eggs) and a sufficient amount of stores.
£180 in the correx box – includes £10 deposit for the nuc box, refundable on return. (£20 in advance £160 on collection)
Collection from Manchester
Please email me Patrick Laslett
Please note I am the webmaster - not the owner of the bees

For Sale £200 each (£20 in advance £180 on collection)
Two very strong overwintered six frame nucs headed by last years late bred queens.
They are on British National Hoffman self spacing frames and were treated for varroa last December, and are ready to move on to full hives.
They are in Paynes poly nucs, I can transfer them to your equipment or they can be taken as they are with a £45 refundable deposit on the nuc boxes.
Pick up is from Southport
Please email me Patrick Laslett
Please note I am the webmaster - not the owner of the bees

Local bees, with 2021 queen.
Prolific, hardy, good honey producers, good mannered bees.
The nuc is on 6 British Standard National DN4 frames with brood at all stages (capped brood, larvae, and eggs) and a sufficient amount of stores.
£210 in poly nuc box (£20 in advance £190 on collection) – (includes £40 deposit for nuc box, refundable on return.)
Collection from Manchester
Please email me Patrick Laslett
Please note I am the webmaster - not the owner of the bees

Honeybees for sale in Manchester

2021 National overwintered nucs SOLD A limited number of national overwintered nucleus colonies for sale from April / May in the Greater Manchester area.   Each nucleus will have the following:   • Six complete frames from, including stores, brood covering at least 4 frames, and a 2019/20 marked queen. • The bees are locally reared in the Manchester area from proven commercial lines. They are very easy to handle and expand quickly. • The bees have been treated for varroa and are from happy, healthy stock. • For beginners, a basic guide on how to transfer your new nucleus into a hive and some early pointers to help get you started. Please note, I will only sell bees to beekeepers who have previous experience keeping bees, have passed their BBKA basic exam, or have a suitable mentor to help you get started.   The price for each nucleus is £230, (£20 in advance £210 on collection) including a Paynes poly nuc. If the poly nuc is returned, £30 will be refunded.   I also have a very limited number of beginners sets available, including: • A new assembled cedar hive, including varroa floor, brood box, 2 supers (including all frames with premium wax foundation), a metal wood rimmed queen excluder, and crown board. • A nucleus colony installed in the hive, including stores, brood covering at least 5 frames, and a 2019/20 marked queen. • A hive tool, smoker and Haynes beekeeping manual. The price for the beginners set is £575. (£25 in advance £550 on collection) Please note a 10% deposit will be required at the time of ordering.
 Please email me Patrick Laslett honeybeesforsale@gmail.com
(Please note I am the webmaster not the owner of the bees)

2020 Nuc and full colony 5 frame National beehive nuc 2020 local Queen. Fully drawn frames with brood, pollen and stores. 5 frame nucs with locally reared 2020 queen. Queen from gentle / prolific local stock. Supplied either 1. In a correx nuc box for £170.00 (£20 in advance £150 on collection) 2. In a polystyrene nuc box for £220. - £50 back on return of the box. (£20 in advance £200 on collection) Collection only from Manchester UK I also have 12 frame hive with Queen and bees for sale. 2020 laying Queen with brood, pollen and stores. Supplied in a BS National Brood Box on floor and with roof for £275. (£25 in advance £250 on collection) Collection only from Manchester. Please email me Patrick Laslett honeybeesforsale@gmail.com (Please note I am the webmaster not the bee keeper and owner of the bees)

2020 Overwintered nucs SOLD 5 frame 14x12 beehive nuc 2019 local queen Overwintered 5 frame nucs with locally reared 2019 queens. Queens are marked and were reared from gentle / prolific local stock. Supplied either 1. In a correx nuc box for £210.00 (£20 in advance £190 on collection) 2. A 3 frame double cedar nuc( 6 frames in total)  with open mesh floor for £230.00. (£20 in advance £210 on collection) Collection only from Manchester UK Available from April 2020 subject to the weather. 5 frame National beehive nuc 2019 local queen Overwintered 5 frame nucs with locally reared 2019 queens. Queens are marked and were reared from gentle / prolific local stock. Supplied either 1. In a correx nuc box for £200.00 (£20 in advance £180 on collection) 2. A 3 frame double cedar nuc (6 frames in total) with open mesh floor for £220.00. (£20 in advance £200 on collection. Collection only from Manchester UK Available from April 2020 subject to the weather. Please email me Patrick Laslett honeybeesforsale@gmail.com (Please note I am the webmaster not the bee keeper and owner of the bees)

2019 I will have several national nucleus colonies for sale from May Each nucleus will have the following: ·       Six complete frames from 2017/2018, including stores, brood covering at l east 4 frames, and a 2017/18 marked queen. ·       The bees are locally reared in the Manchester area. They are very easy to handle and expand quickly. ·       The bees have been treated for varroa and are from happy, healthy stock. Please note, I will only sell bees to beekeepers who have previous experience keeping bees, have passed their BBKA basic exam, or have a suitable mentor to help you get started. The price for each nucleus is £230, including a Paynes poly nuc. (£20 in advance £210 on collection) If the poly nuc is returned, £30 will be refunded. Greater Manchester - Leeds side Please email me Patrick Laslett honeybeesforsale@gmail.com (Please note I am the webmaster not the bee keeper and owner of the bees)

2019 5 frame 14x12 overwintered nucs available Manchester UK 14x12 5 frame nucs available March / April 2019. These bees are headed by a locally reared queen and will have been overwintered. Options 1. Bring your own hive box- £185 (£20 in advance) 2. In a 14x12 POLY nuc - £230 (£20 in advance) 3. In a wooden double nuc. The bees will be supplied in a 3 frame double nucs with open mesh floor reversible crown board and roof- £210 (£20 in advance) [LIMITED AVAILABILITY] A £25 deposit to reserve the nuc with the balance on collection. Collection only from Manchester Please email me Patrick Laslett honeybeesforsale@gmail.com (Please note I am the webmaster not the bee keeper and owner of the bees)

2018 5 lots of bees for sale in Manchester 
All come complete with national hive, super, frames and stand etc 
Job lot £1350  (£100 in advance £1250 on collection)

Will split £325 per set up (£25 in advance £300 on collection)

Buyer to collect
 Emigration forces sale Please email me Patrick Laslett honeybeesforsale@gmail.com (Please note I am the webmaster not the bee keeper and owner of the bees)

2018 Two colonies for sale Manchester 1. For sale 4 full size British national colonies. Colonies are very strong and ready for a queen excluder and honey super (not included). Bees are from my local breeding programme and are easy to handle and prolific. Colonies averaged 150 lbs of honey last year. Each colony comes with a floor, cedar national brood box, 11 frames of brood and stores, 1 dummy frame, well stocked with bees, marked and clipped over-wintered 2017 queen, crown board and roof. Price £275 each (£25 in advance £250 on collection). 1. For sale 1 full size 14x12 colony. Colony is very strong and ready for a queen excluder and honey super (not included). Bees are from my local breeding programme and are easy to handle and prolific. Colonies averaged 150 lbs of honey last year. Colony comes with a floor, cedar national brood box, 11 frames of brood and stores, 1 dummy frame, well stocked with bees, marked and clipped over-wintered 2017 queen, crown board and roof. Price £305 (£25 in advance  £270 on collection). Manchester M21 Please email me Patrick Laslett honeybeesforsale@gmail.com (Please note I am the webmaster not the bee keeper and owner of the bees)

2018 National and 14 x 12 nucs for sale Manchester SOLD 1. Four 14x12 5/6 frame nucs for sale. 2018 marked queen from my local breeding programme. Supplied in a Paynes 14x12 poly nuc. Price: £110 each (£20 in advance £90.00  on collection) includes price of Paynes nuc. 2. Six National 5/6 frame nucs for sale. 2018 marked queen from my local breeding programme. Supplied in a Paynes Natonal poly nuc Price £120 each (£20 in advance £90.00  on collection) includes price of Paynes nuc. Ready for collection from  Manchester M21 UK. Please email me Patrick Laslett honeybeesforsale@gmail.com (Please note I am the webmaster not the bee keeper and owner of the bees)

2018 I will have several national nucleus colonies for sale from early June. Each nucleus will have the following: ·       Six complete frames from 2017/2018, including stores, brood covering at least 4 frames, and a 2017/18 marked queen. ·       The bees are locally reared in the Manchester area. They are very easy to handle and expand quickly. ·       The bees have been treated for varroa and are from happy, healthy stock. Please note, I will only sell bees to beekeepers who have previous experience keeping bees, have passed their BBKA basic exam, or have a suitable mentor to help you get started. The price for each nucleus is £230, (£20 in advance £210 on collection) including a Paynes poly nuc. If the poly nuc is returned, £30 will be refunded. Please email me Patrick Laslett honeybeesforsale@gmail.com (Please note I am the webmaster not the bee keeper and owner of the bees)

2018 14x12 overwintered 5/6 frame nucs Manchester SOLD I have 7 14x12 overwintered 5/6 frame nucs for sale. 2017 marked queen from my local breeding programme. Managed for varroa using oxalic acid overwinter. Supplied in a Paynes poly nuc. Price: £210.00. (£20 in advance £190 on collection) Ready for collection from Manchester UK. Please email me Patrick Laslett honeybeesforsale@gmail.com (Please note I am the webmaster not the bee keeper and owner of the bees)

2018 2 Overwintered NUC's Manchester SOLD You can purchase from 1 to 2 NUCs The NUCs themselves consist of 6 frames of bees with brood at various stages of development & a queen from 2017. The box is a poly Nuc. The NUC box is not included in the price and I ask that you either return the NUC box or purchase it. The Overwintered NUCs will be ready for pickup in Manchester by March/April 2018 (however this may be changed depending on weather conditions which effect the bees.) Price is £190 (£20 in advance - then agree stage payments with the bee keeper) the poly Nuc box is £45 if you wish to purchase it. Please email me Patrick Laslett honeybeesforsale@gmail.com (Please note I am the webmaster not the bee keeper and owner of the bees)

2017 Two nucs of Bees Manchester Two nucs of Bees for sale the price is £170 (£20 in advance £150 on collection) They are buckfast 2017 Queen's in 6 frame national poly nucs buyer to bring own box or leave £40 deposit. Manchester just of M62. Please email me Patrick Laslett at honeybeesforsale@gmail.com (I am the webmaster not the bee keeper)

2016 Two hives with bees + equipment Manchester I have for sale 1 National Hive with bees (1 brood, 2 supers) 1 National hive with Bees (2 brood, 2 supers) 1 Empty National hive (2 supers) All have 3 a new roof from Thornes (Cedar Galvanised)  Then I have some Equipment:- 3 Rapid feeders,2 contact feeders, various frame parts (new), filters, and buckets from Thornes starter set. 2 frame spinner.  2 Medium size Mesh gauntlets Medium sized Ventilated Bee suit (mesh 3 layers)  £550 (£50 in advance £500 on collection) Between Manchester and Sheffield Please email me Patrick Laseltt plaslett@gmail.com   (I am the webmaster not the bee keeper)

2016 Large colony for sale Manchester 1. British black honey bee ( Apis mellifera mellifera) colony with 2× brood, 2×super, stand, bottom board. Workers made new queen this year. I always kept honey for bees to get through the winter and early spring. Regular treated for Verroa with Apistan. 2. Would like to sell for £425 (£25 in advance £400 on collection) 3. Collection Manchester Please email me Patrick Laslett plaslett@gmail.com (I am the webmaster not the bee keeper)

2016 10 Overwintered NUC's  SOLD You can purchase from 1 to 10 The NUC's themselves consist of 6 frames of bees with brood at various stages of development & a queen from 2015. I have both Buckfast and  Carniolean queens. The box is generally a poly Nuc The NUC box is not included in the price and I ask that you either return the NUC box or purchase it The Overwintered NUC will be ready for pickup by the end of March early April 2016 (however this may be changed depending on weather conditions which effect the bees.) Price is £170 (£20 in advance) £150 on pick up and poly Nuc £35 if you wish to purchase it. Please email me for my payment options patrick@laslett.com (webmaster)

2015 5 frame 14x12 nuc for sale 24/8/15 SOLD I have a 5 frame nuc for sale the nuc is a brand new Thornes 14x12 poly the frames are Thornes and the wax is Thornes premier the bees are 2015 Carnica. Price is £180 (£20 deposit in advance £160 on collection) The nuc is bursting with bees and is included in the price. Please email me for my deposit payment options patrick@laslett.com (Webmaster)

2015 One 6 Frame Carniolion nuc I have one Nuc ready to go it's a 2015 Carniolan queen marked with blue numbered disk. It's on 6 frames Nuc box can be loaned to be returned ASAP £170 (£20 deposit in advance £150 on collection) Please email me for my deposit payment options patrick@laslett.com

2015 - 2014 prices held for early 2015 pick up SOLD I will have 10 nucs ready as soon as spring is upon us. They are genuine Apis Carnica with traceable pedigree. They are all on 6 frames and were inspected by defra inspector in October and all had a clean bill of health. Price £170 (£20 deposit £150 on collection) Returnable box. Please email me patrick@laslett.com (Webmaster) for deposit payment options

2014 My beekeeper in Manchester writes "I will have 2 x 6 frame over wintered nucs for sale as soon as they start to raise brood. Will loan the poly nucs to any purchaser on a return basis. They both have 2013 marked red Buckfast queens Best regards" Price £170 - £20 deposit in advance and £150 cash on collection. Please email me Patrick Laslett to pay your deposit patrick@laslett.com (Webmaster)

Buyers: please check the pages below to see if there are bees for sale near you. If you can't find the bees you are looking for in these pages please email me honeybeesforsale@gmail.com

Honeybees for sale in Bedfordshire
Honeybees for sale in Birmingham
Honeybees for sale in Bolton
Honeybees for sale in Bristol
Honeybees for sale in Buckingham
Honeybees for sale in Cambridge
Honeybees for sale in Cheshire
Honeybees for sale in Cleveland
Honeybees for sale in Co Antrim
Honeybees for sale in Cornwall
Honeybees for sale in Coventry
Honeybees for sale in Cumbria
Honeybees for sale in Derbyshire
Honeybees for sale in Devon
Honeybees for sale in Dorset
Honeybees for sale in Essex
Honeybees for sale in Exmore
Honeybees for sale in Gloucester
Honeybees for sale in Hampshire
Honeybees for sale in Herefordshire
Honeybees for sale in Hertfordshire
Honeybees for sale in Huddersfield
Honeybees for sale in Kent
Honeybees for sale in Lancashshire
Honeybees for sale in Leeds
Honeybees for sale in Leicestershire
Honeybees for sale in Lincolnshire
Honeybees for sale in Liverpool
Honeybees for sale in Manchester
Honeybees for sale in Mersyside
Honeybees for sale in Mid Wales
Honeybees for sale in Middlesex
Honeybees for sale in Milton Keynes
Honeybees for sale in North Yorkshire
Honeybees for sale in Newcastle
Honeybees for sale in Norfolk
Honeybees for sale in North Wales
Honeybees for sale in Northamptonshire
Honeybees for sale in Northumberland
Honeybees for sale in Northumbria
Honeybees for sale in Nottinghamshire
Honeybees for sale in Oxfordshire
Honeybees for sale in Plymouth
Honeybees for sale in Scotland
Honeybees for sale in Scunthorpe
Honeybees for sale in Sheffield
Honeybees for sale in Shrewsbury
Honeybees for sale in Shropshire<
Honeybees for sale in Solihull
Honeybees for sale in Somerset
Honeybees for sale in Staffordshire
Honeybees for sale in Suffolk
Honeybees for sale in Sunderland
Honeybees for sale in Surry
Honeybees for sale in Sussex
Honeybees for sale in The Wirral
Honeybees for sale in Tyne & Wear
Honeybees for sale in Tyne Tees
Honeybees for sale in Wales
Honeybees for sale in Warwickshire
Honeybees for sale in Wiltshire
Honeybees for sale in Wisbech
Honeybees for sale in Worcestershire
Honeybees for sale in Yorkshire
Honeybees for sale in The West Midlands
Honeybees for sale in Yarn On Tees

Buyers: if you can't find the bees you are looking for in these pages please email me honeybeesforsale@gmail.com