Honeybees for sale by beekeepers in Devon UK
Beekeepers: if you have bees you would like to sell in this
site please email me honeybeesforsale@gmail.com
New for 2025
6 Frame National Nucs
6 BS National DN4 Frames with F1 Buckfast queen (2025) with BIAS and stores
Perfect for beginner beekeepers or increasing stock
Very docile bees.
Includes sturdy travel box.
Available Summer 2025
£240 each (£20 in advance £220 on collection)
Collect from near Exeter
Please email me Patrick Laslett
Please note I am the webmaster - not the owner of the bees
5 full colonies of Varroa resistant black bees for sale.
(Plus out apiary in woods near Exiter - optional)
Queens 2023 and 2024.
Very healthy, very calm, gentle bees bees that don't need treatment as the healthy varroa trait has been deeply rooted in the bees.
Each full hive with bees £375 per hive (£25 in advance £350 on collection).
Two supers full of honey £50 extra.
Some nucs also available £220 (£20 in advance £200 on collection).
A deal on price can be struck if all five colonies are bought together as a job lot.
Please email me Patrick Laslett
Please note I am the webmaster - not the owner of the bees
5 frame nucleus colonies.
Full seams of bees with brood, eggs, larvae in all stages.
All colonies are bred and raised locally and headed by a marked (green) 2024 queen raised by myself.
Bees provided in a correx transport nucleus box.
£120 (£20 in advance £100 on collection).
Delivery depending on location and will incur extra costs.
Please email me Patrick Laslett
Please note I am the webmaster - not the owner of the bees
Various national and Commercial full hives with colonies price depending on first inspection.
Based in Devon
Please email me Patrick Laslett
Please note I am the webmaster - not the owner of the bees
6 Frame National Nucs available, mid May onwards depending on weather.
2024 marked queen and Brood in all stages, plus frames of stores.
Prolific Buckfast Queens. Producing gentle quiet colonies.
Treated varroa September and January.
Will be supplied in a Correx Nuc box.
£250 each (£20 in advance £230 on collection)
Collect West Deven.
Please email me Patrick Laslett
Please note I am the webmaster - not the owner of the bees
1 Spring nuc of bees on a National 14x12 frames.
Made from a spring split as a swarm prevention.
2023 Queen open mated Red marked not clipped.
The bees have been treated for varroa in the spring with varroa med.
The parent colony also treated for varroa in autumn with varroa med and also api bioxal vapouring in the beginning of winter.
A very good laying Queen with 6 frames of BIAS 2 frames of emerging brood ready to go into a full hive as soon as possible.
Very quiet bees perfect for a starter colony.
£200 (£20 in advance £180 on collection).
Frames transferred into your own Nuc box/hive.
Can be supplied in poly nuc but at extra cost.
Collection Newton abbot, Devon.
Please email me Patrick Laslett
Please note I am the webmaster - not the owner of the bees
6 frame nucleus colonies - SOLD
Full seams of bees with brood, eggs, larvae in all stages.
All colonies are bred and raised locally and headed by a marked (Yellow) 2022 queen raised by myself.
Bees provided in a correx transport nucleus box.
£200 (£20 in advance £180 on collection)
Delivery depending on location and will incur extra costs
Plymouth, Devon.
Please email me Patrick Laslett
Please note I am the webmaster - not the owner of the bees
5 frame Nucs, this year's splits, will be available for sale June 2022.
Provided in corex travel box.
£220 each (£20 in advance £200 on collection)
Local stock, all Queens naturally mated.
For collection from South Devon
Please email me Patrick Laslett
Please note I am the webmaster - not the owner of the bees
Honeybees for sale in Devon
2021 From my beekeeper in Barnstaple, North Devon
I have a full colony to sell in Barnstaple, North Devon.
11 frame full colony of honeybees
Poly national 14 X 12 jumbo brood box
Poly national open mesh floor
Plastic floor panel
Perspex cover
Plastic national queen excluder
Large plastic syrup feeder
Poly crownboard with porter escapes
Poly national roof
Plastic entrance block (with 2 different entrance size options)
Strap to secure hive
The poly hive is 2 and a half years old. From what I'm told it should last up to about 20 years or so.
Colony originates from a nuc created during a hive split in May 2018. The original colony from which this split was taken was a swarm I collected in June 2017.
I re-queened in July 2017 with a Carniolan queen.
July 2021 - unmarked queen - unsure of year/age of current queen, but colony has over-wintered three times and there's currently plenty of brood and stores in the hive.
£375 (£25 in advance, £350 on collection). Collection only, no postage/delivery, sorry.
Pick up immediately. Deposit required to hold.
Please email me Patrick Laslett honeybeesforsale@gmail.com
Please note I am NOT the owner of the bees. I am the owner of the website
2021 5 frame nuclei provided by experienced beekeeper
2021 queen marked white on hoffman national frames
Easy to handle dark British bees.
I have several nuclei in non returnable corex travelling nuclei boxes.
Price £180.00 (£20 in advance £160 oncollection)
Pick up Exiter
Please email me Patrick Laslett honeybeesforsale@gmail.com
Please note I am NOT the owner of the bees. I am the owner of the website
2021 Summer nucs
5 frame Nucs, this year's splits, will be available for sale June 2021.
Provided in corex travel box.
£200 (£20 in advance £180 on collection)
Local stock, all Queens naturally mated.
For collection from South Devon
Please email me Patrick Laslett honeybeesforsale@gmail.com
Please note I am NOT the owner of the bees. I am the owner of the website
2020 Poly hive colony
One Poly Hive left for sale open floor Brood Chamber and roof
one super and including honey and bees
September Marked Queen 2019
£225 (£25 in advance £200 on collection)
Exeter Devon Ex4
Please email me Patrick Laslett honeybeesforsale@gmail.com
Please note I am NOT the owner of the bees. I am the owner of the website.
2020 6 frame BS National nucs
2020 6 frame BS National nucs in Paynes poly nucs with side feeder.
The queen is UK bred and marked blue. These are well established and
ready to be transferred into a hive. All Nucs are double checked before
sale to ensure that they are of good quality and performing well. We are
routinely inspected by the bee inspector and never had a notifiable disease.
£220 (£20 in advance £200 on collection)
The nucs can be collect from us in North Devon or they can be delivered
to the UK Mainland for £20.00
Please email me Patrick Laslett honeybeesforsale@gmail.com
Please note I am NOT the owner of the bees. I am the owner of the website.
2020 5 colonies for sale in hives SOLD
3 colonies in 14x12 national hives (poly hives) £300 each (£25 in advance £275 on collection)
2 colonies in standard National hives (painted wood) £275 each (£25 in advance £250 on collection)
Price for each is for everything complete - hive and bees.
Collect near Membury (Nr Axminster EX13).
Please email me Patrick Laslett honeybeesforsale@gmail.com
Please note I am NOT the owner of the bees. I am the owner of the website.
2019 9 National hives for sale
9 National hives for sale seven Poly hives with bees Swindon type. Two Buck-fast.
All hives have been re queened and marked with this years Queen
The hive will consist of a floor (mesh type) brood chamber and cover board and roof.
£290 (£25 in advance £265 on collection)
Collect - Exeter, Devon.
Please email me Patrick Laslett honeybeesforsale@gmail.com
Please note I am NOT the owner of the bees. I am the owner of the website.
2018 Several National Nuclei – Dark Bees Devon SOLD
*Honeybees for sale in Devon
* 6 Frame nuclei produced by experienced beekeeper
* 2018 queen marked red on Hoffman frames
* Easy to handle dark British bees
* I have several nuclei in non returnable corrugated cardboard nuclei boxes
* The bees were inspected 17/04/2018 by the national bee unit
* Price £180.00 – (£20.00 payment in advance, and £160.00 on collection)
Please email me Patrick Laslett honeybeesforsale@gmail.com
Please note I am not the owner of the bees. I am the owner of the website.
2018 Overwintered National nucs Exeter Devon SOLD
* 2018 Several National nucs - Dark Bees - for sale
* Honeybees for sale in Exeter, Devon
* 6 Frame over wintered nuclei produced by a experienced beekeeper
* 2017 Queen marked yellow on BS National Brood Frames - Easy to handle Dark British bees
* I have several nuclei in non returnable strong corrugated travelling nuclei boxes. The bees were last inspected on the 12/06/2017 by the National Bee Unit
* Price £180.00 (£20.00 payment in advance £160.00 on collection)
Please email me Patrick Laslett at honeybeesforsale@gmail.com
Please note I am not the owner of the bees. I am the owner of the website.
2017 Several National Nuclei - Dark Bees Devon SOLD
* Honeybees for sale in Devon
* 6 frame nuclei produced by experienced beekeeper
* 2017 queen marked yellow on Hoffman frames
* Easy to handle dark British bees
* I have several nuclei in non returnable corrugated cardboard nuclei boxes
* The bees were inspected 12/06/2017 by the national bee unit
* Price £180.00 - (£20.00 payment in advance, and £160.00 on collection.)
Please email me Patrick Laslett honeybeesforsale@gmail.com
Please note I am not the owner of the bees. I am the owner of the website.
2017 I have 6 colonies for sale all standard national frames. Plymouth
Can sell in 6 frame polly nuc for £180 total (£20 in advance £160 on collection).
Or nuc with bees and a complete used polly hive with two supers and feeder for your nuc to go into as a complete starter pack £280 total (£20 in advance £260 on collection).
Third option national polly hive with bees 2supers and feeder £245 total (£25 in advance £220 on collection).
I also have 2 cedar jumbo national hives to sell complete with bees and 2 supers. Each one £305 total (£25 in advance £280 on collection).
Please email me Patrick Laslett honeybeesforsale@gmail.com
Please note I am not the owner of the bees. I am the owner of the website.
2016 Several National nucs - dark bees SOLD
* Honeybees for sale in Exeter, Devon
* 6 Frame over wintered nuclei produced by a experienced beekeeper
* 2015 Queen marked blue on BS National Brood Frames - Easy to handle Dark British bees
* I have several nuclei in non returnable corrugated cardboard nuclei boxes. The bees were inspected 11/04/2016
by the National Bee Unit.
* Price £170.00 (£20 payment in advance£150 on collection).
Please email me for my advance payment details Patrick Laslett plaslett@gmail.com (Webmaster)
2015 Colonies and nucs - South Devon SOLD
Colonies in hives + two supers + feeder. 2014 queens.
All complete £255 (£25 deposit in advance £230 on collection
6 frame nucs (including poly box) ready to go now. 2014 queens. £150. (£20 deposit in advance £130 on collection)
Buyers: please check the pages below to see if there are
bees for sale near you. If you can't find the bees you are looking for in
these pages please email me honeybeesforsale@gmail.com
Honeybees for sale in Bedfordshire
Honeybees for sale in Birmingham
Honeybees for sale in Bolton
Honeybees for sale in Bristol
Honeybees for sale in Buckingham
Honeybees for sale in Cambridge
Honeybees for sale in Cheshire
Honeybees for sale in Cleveland
Honeybees for sale in Co Antrim
Honeybees for sale in Cornwall
Honeybees for sale in Coventry
Honeybees for sale in Cumbria
Honeybees for sale in Derbyshire
Honeybees for sale in Devon
Honeybees for sale in Dorset
Honeybees for sale in Essex
Honeybees for sale in Exmore
Honeybees for sale in Gloucester
Honeybees for sale in Hampshire
Honeybees for sale in Herefordshire
Honeybees for sale in Hertfordshire
Honeybees for sale in Huddersfield
Honeybees for sale in Lancashshire
Honeybees for sale in Leeds
Honeybees for sale in Leicestershire
Honeybees for sale in Lincolnshire
Honeybees for sale in Liverpool
Honeybees for sale in Manchester
Honeybees for sale in Mersyside
Honeybees for sale in Mid Wales
Honeybees for sale in Middlesex
Honeybees for sale in Milton Keynes
Honeybees for sale in North Yorkshire
Honeybees for sale in Newcastle
Honeybees for sale in Norfolk
Honeybees for sale in North Wales
Honeybees for sale in Northamptonshire
Honeybees for sale in Northumberland
Honeybees for sale in Northumbria
Honeybees for sale in Nottinghamshire
Honeybees for sale in Oxfordshire
Honeybees for sale in Plymouth
Honeybees for sale in Scotland
Honeybees for sale in Scunthorpe
Honeybees for sale in Sheffield
Honeybees for sale in Shrewsbury
Honeybees for sale in Shropshire<
Honeybees for sale in Solihull
Honeybees for sale in Somerset
Honeybees for sale in Staffordshire
Honeybees for sale in Suffolk
Honeybees for sale in Sunderland
Honeybees for sale in Surry
Honeybees for sale in Sussex
Honeybees for sale in The Wirral
Honeybees for sale in Tyne & Wear
Honeybees for sale in Tyne Tees
Honeybees for sale in Wales
Honeybees for sale in Warwickshire
Honeybees for sale in Wiltshire
Honeybees for sale in Wisbech
Honeybees for sale in Worcestershire
Honeybees for sale in Yorkshire
Honeybees for sale in The West Midlands
Honeybees for sale in Yarn On Tees
Buyers: if you can't find the bees you are looking for in
these pages please email me honeybeesforsale@gmail.com