Honeybees for sale by beekeepers in Cheshire UK

Beekeepers: if you have bees you would like to sell in this site please email me honeybeesforsale@gmail.com

New for 2025

Overwintered Nucs available Spring 2025.
Following a visit from the bee inspector the end of 2024 my apiary was given an excellent health and strength approval.
2024 queen nucs available both Standard National and 14x12.
BIAS (brood in all stages), all very calm buckfast queen colonies from very respected breeders.
Both priced at £240 (£20 in advance £220 on collection)
supplied in:
Standard national- correx 6 frame (£10 extra).
6 frame poly nuc that has been painted for extra protection with feeder (£65 extra).
14x12- 5 frame Poly nuc with feeder and also painted (£75 extra).
14x12 can also be supplied on fully moulded plastic frames please enquire for extra cost.
Help can be given depending on location to get setup or any advice required.
Based in Chester but I travel a lot with work so delivery can possibly be arranged depending on location.
Please email me Patrick Laslett
(Please note I am the webmaster not the owner of the bees)


£170 each (£20 in advance £150 on collection).
Plus £25 deposit on the plywood nuc box.
Collect Warrington.
2023 queens splits from main hives this year.
Warrington mongrel from my own stock.
Top bars 480 mm.
Never treated with any chemicals or treatments.
No mites last 2 years
Please email me Patrick Laslett
(Please note I am the webmaster not the owner of the bees)

Over-wintered nucleus colonies of bees available on National frames
Bring you own box or £15 for correx box
2023 queen marked
Varroa treated
Buckfast F1 mated queen
£180 per nuc (£20 in advance £160 on collection)
Nantwich (Cheshire)
Please email me Patrick Laslett
(Please note I am the webmaster not the owner of the bees)

Overwintered nucs for sale.
National frames supplied in 5 frame correx box.
£240 each (£20 in advance £220 on collection).
14x12 frames 5 frame supplied in correx box £220 each (£20 in advance £200 on collection).
Cheshire area covered.
Pick up from Stockport to the Wirral.
Please email me Patrick Laslett
(Please note I am the webmaster not the owner of the bees)

Over-wintered nucleus colonies of bees available on National frames (5 frames in a correx box).
£245 each (£20 in advance £225 on collection).
The queens were raised in 2023 from top quality breeder queens, mated with local drones.
Based in Cheshire, just beyond South East Manchester.
Should be available for collection in April.
Please email me Patrick Laslett
(Please note I am the webmaster not the owner of the bees)


2024 Overwintered 14x12 nucs and full 14x12 colonies. Pre-order now - pick up April '24.
Overwintered 6 frame 14x12 poly nucs supplied with a mated queens ready to go for the 2024 season
£195 each (£20 in advance.) A non returnable deposit of £100 will be required on order. Balance payable upon collection during April.
Discount available for 2+ reservations.
What's included: Full Abelo 14x12 poly nuc (blue) and 2.4L mini-Ashforth nuc feeder and established bees ready to take away
Overwintered 10/11 frame full 14x12 hives supplied with mated queens ready to go for the 2024 season.
What's included: Full hive - open mesh floor, Abelo 14x12 poly brood box (green and blue), crown board, 2 x new Abelo National poly supers with pre-wired SN4 frames, custom lightweight roof, 3" eke, 6L jumbo feeder and established bees (everything you need) ready to take away.
(Also some cedar 14x12 brood boxes available)
Extra National poly supers available at £15 each
£295 each (£25 in advance) £100 non-refundable deposit to secure.
Discount available for 2+ reservations.
Balance payable upon collection during April.
Pickup up between Chester and Crewe, Cheshire.
Please email me Patrick Laslett
(Please note I am the webmaster not the owner of the bees)

2 National 6 frame nucleus colonies.
With plywood nuc box.
South West Cheshire (near Chester).
2023 queens.
Ready to go into full hive.
£165 (£20 in advance £145 on collection).
Collection only
Please email me Patrick Laslett
Please note I am the webmaster - not the owner of the bees

National & Langstroth 5 frame nucleus colonies for sale in East Cheshire
2023 queens
Correx travel box
Collect from Dunham Massey
National £200 each (£20 in advance £180 on collection)
Langstroth £225 each (£20 in advance £205 on collection)
Please email me Patrick Laslett
Please note I am the webmaster - not the owner of the bees

Two full National colonies for sale.
They come with roof, brood box with a full compliment of bees and varroa floor.
£275 each (£25 in advance £250 on collection).
Collection only from Warrington.
Please email me Patrick Laslett
Please note I am the webmaster - not the owner of the bees

3 5 frame national nucleus for sale in Warrington.
They come with 3 frames brood and 2 frames stores.
£180 for those with a 2023 queen (£20 in advance £160 on collection).
£170 for one with a 2022 queen (£20 in advance £150 on collection).
Please email me Patrick Laslett
Please note I am the webmaster - not the owner of the bees

Top Bar Hive nuc for sale.
2022 over wintered laying Queen.
24"x14" 5 bar Nuc box, with brood, comb, etc.
Very calm bees when checking hive.
Nuc box is a sturdy handmade box that can be kept by the buyer.
£240 total (£20 in advance £220 on collection)
Buyer to collect in Warrington WA2, only 2 miles off J21 M6.
Please email me Patrick Laslett
Please note I am the webmaster - not the owner of the bees

2 Overwintered - 4 frame Nucs for sale
Deep Brood National Frames
Each Colony £170 (£20 in advance £150 on collection)
or two for £290 (£40 in advance £250 on collection)
Collection M6 J21 Woolston Interchange Cheshire
Please email me Patrick Laslett
Please note I am the webmaster - not the owner of the bees


Due to moving house we have the following for sale in Warrington, Cheshire.
3 x National Hives - Queenright Colonies £325 Each (£25 in advance £300 on collection)
5 x Nucs - Queenright Colonies - £220 Each (£20 in advance £200 on collection)
Please email me Patrick Laslett
Please note I am the webmaster - not the owner of the bees

Five frame nuc.
£170 (£20 in advance £150 on collection)
Please email me Patrick Laslett
Please note I am the webmaster - not the owner of the bees

5 frame nuc, 2022 queen for sale in Cheshire (Northwich)
£180 in 5 frame corex travel box (£20 in advance £180 on collection).
Please email me Patrick Laslett
Please note I am the webmaster - not the owner of the bees

National nucs available
6 frame nucs on national frames, 2022 queens
£190 each (£20 in advance £170 on collection)
Collection only from Ellesmere Port/Cheshire
Please email me Patrick Laslett
Please note I am the webmaster - not the owner of the bees

I am reducing the hives I currently have and I have a full colony for sale in a hive.
It is a 2021 queen and comes with national brood box, floor, roof, crown board and super
For sale in Cheshire £305 (£25 in advance £280.00 on collection)
Buyer to collect.
Please email Patrick Laslett

Full colony in hive
National brood box and super for sale in Cheshire
£345.00 (£25 in advance £320 on collection)
Please email me Patrick Laslett
Please note I am the webmaster - not the owner of the bees

3 national nucs available
5 frame nucs on national frames
£180 (£20 in advance £160 on collection)
Collection only from warrington.
Please email me Patrick Laslett
Please note I am the webmaster - not the owner of the bees

26/04/2022 -- SOLD
Two complete colonies for sale
14x12 full sized hives - brood box only (no supers) with bees, floor, crownboard, and roof.
Ready to go with 6 frames of brood in each
One box made of ply £275 (£25 in advance £250 on collection)
The other box from Thornes £325 (£25 in advance £300 on collection)
Can deliver in the Warrington area.
Please email me Patrick Laslett
Please note I am the webmaster - not the owner of the bees

2 overwintered national nucs as well as 2 14x12 nucs for sale ready to go.
£180 for nationals (£20 in advance £160 on collection)
£190 for 14x12 (£20 in advance £170 on collection)
Our nucs are supplied in Correx nuc boxes (which is included in the price).
Collection only from Warrington.
Please email me Patrick Laslett
Please note I am the webmaster - not the owner of the bees

Honeybees for sale in Cheshire

2021 5 frame nuc National 5 frame nuc for sale. Supplied in correx nuc box (included in price). Collection in person from Warrington. £170 (£20 in advance £150 on collection) Please email me Patrick Laslett honeybeesforsale@gmail.com (I'm the webmaster not the owner of the bees

2021 Local bees Local bees, with 2021 queen. Prolific, hardy, good mannered and on frames of BIAS. £210 if sold in a correx transport box 5 frames, (£20 in advance £190 on collection) £250 in poly nuc box – includes £40 deposit for nuc box, refundable on return. But will have 6 frames. (£20 in advance £230 on collection) Prefer collection only, but can deliver within the local area. Collection: Northwich, Cheshire Please email me Patrick Laslett honeybeesforsale@gmail.com (I'm the webmaster not the owner of the bees

2021 3 national Nucs SOLD 3 national nucs for sale. £170 each (£20 in advance £150 cash on collection) Collection Warrington. Please email me Patrick Laslett honeybeesforsale@gmail.com (I'm the webmaster not the owner of the bees

2021 Honey bees for sale 2021 Five frame nucs Price £180 (£20 deposit and £160 on collection.) Six frames nucs price £200 (£20 deposit and £180 on collection.) Strong nucs with a 2021 marked (if preferred) Buckfast Queen, 2 frames of food and at least 3/4 frames of brood in all developmental stages. Buyer picks up in Ellesmere Port area in Cheshire. Buyer to bring their  own box or leave a £25 deposit for my box that is refunded when the box is returned. Will be ready for collection end of May beginning of June. Please email me Patrick Laslett honeybeesforsale@gmail.com (I'm the webmaster not the owner of the bees

2020 Three 5 Frame National Nucs Three 5 Frame National Nucs for sale at £200 each (£20 in advance £180 on collection) In BS Honey ventilated Correx boxes. Collect from Dunham Massey, Cheshire Please email me Patrick Laslett honeybeesforsale@gmail.com (I'm the webmaster not the owner of the bees

2020 6 frame nucs Six frame nucs Price  £180 £20 deposit and £160 on collection. Strong nucs with a 2020 marked Buckfast Queen, 2 frames of food and 4 frames of brood in all developmental stages. Buyer picks up in Ellesmere Port area in Cheshire. Buyer to bring their  own box or  leave a £25 deposit for my box that is refunded when the box is returned. Please email me Patrick Laslett honeybeesforsale@gmail.com (I'm the webmaster not the owner of the bees)

2020 2 hives of bees for sale on national brood frames. Productive, hardy bees, raised from my own hives. Both queens marked green. Treated for varoa early December 2019. Complete with masonry-painted Maisemore poly hive to include:- open mesh floor, brood box, one super (no frames), crown board, roof and wooden stand. No need for a nuc box as they can be transported in these hives as they are so light. Ready for collection after first inspection. £225 each. (£25 in advance £200 on collection) Collect near Wrexham Please email me Patrick Laslett honeybeesforsale@gmail.com (I'm the webmaster not the owner of the bees)

2020 Over wintered nucs for sale All on 6  DN4 frames ready to go after the first inspection in spring. The queens are marked and started laying in the last week of July 2019. The queens  for the nucs are naturally mated and are grafted by me from an original Buckfast Queen which was artificially mated. The nucs were very strong entering winter and have been treated for Varoa end of August 2019 and beginning of January 2020. The price is £220. (£20 in advance £200 on collection) Also for sale spring nucs on 5 or 6 DN4 frames which will be ready to go in the last week of May 2020. Price £200 for the 6 frames (£20 in advance £180 on collection) and 5 framed nucs £180 (£20 in advance £160 on collection) Buyer to inspect and collect from Ellesmere Port Area in Cheshire. Please email me Patrick Laslett honeybeesforsale@gmail.com (I'm the webmaster not the owner of the bees)

2019 Strong 6 frame nuc Strong 6 frame nuc in all stages of development raised from my own bees. Marked 2019 queen. Ready to go into a full hive. Good honey producers. £120. (£20 in advance £100 on collection) Paynes poly nuc available for £35 if required.  
 SW Cheshire/N. Wales border. Please email me Patrick Laslett honeybeesforsale@gmail.com (I'm the webmaster not the owner of the bees)

2019 Nucs for sale end of May. Ellesmere Port, Cheshire 5/6 British standard frames. The 5 frames nucs will have 3 frames brood 2 of storage and the 6 frames will have 4 brood 2 storage. 2018 marked or 2019 unmarked Buckfast queens price will vary accordingly. Treated by vaping for varroa using oxalic acid end of December 2018. Never had any diseases in my apiary. Prices : 5 frames nuc £145 (£20 in advance £125 on collection) 6 frames nucs £170 (£20 in advance £150 on collection) Buyers to inspect and pick them up Ellesmere Port area in Cheshire Please email me Patrick Laslett honeybeesforsale@gmail.com (I'm the webmaster not the owner of the bees)

2018 Overwintered nucs with 2017 queens Crew Cheshire SOLD £190 including poly Nuc. (£20 in advance £170 on collection)£160 if providing your own box (£20 in advance £140 on collection) To have nucs on 14x12 and Langstroth frames you will need to supply your own box. Please email me Patrick Laslett at honeybeesforsale@gmail.com (I'm the webmaster not the owner of the bees)

2017 Bees in hives for sale - Congelton, Cheshire  SOLD Honey bees 2 x hives brood and half £225 each (£25 in advance £200 on collection) 2 x 14x12 £275 each (£25 in advance £250 on collection) Please email me Patrick Laslett at honeybeesforsale@gmail.com (I'm the webmaster not the owner of the bees)

2017 Everything you need to start - colony of bees in WBC hive Cheshire/Manchester Colony of bees in WBC hive The hive is new, as of last year- Not painted, 3 lifts, floor, crown board, metal coated roof, 1 brood box, 1 super, excluder. 11 Frames in brood and 10 in super, all with foundation. Will also include smoker, hive tool, feeder, spare frames and foundation, bee escape for crown board and jacket with hood. £480 (£25 in advance £455 on collection) Cheshire/Manchester (I'm the webmaster not the owner of the bees)

2017 2 x 5 Frame national nucs for sale. Cheshire 2 x 5 Frame national nucs for sale. 4 frames of brood in all stages + 1 frame of stores. Sold in a substantial 5 frame national nuc box including a travel screen. £130 (£20 in advance £110 on collection) Collection Cheshire. Please email me Patrick Laslett honeybeesforsale@gmail.com (I'm the webmaster not the owner of the bees)

2017 4 nuc's ready to move on to a hive Cheshire or South Yorkshire border Queens (all 2017). My location is not too far from the Cheshire or South Yorkshire border. It is possible for me to deliver to a 50 mile radius. £145 (£20 in advance £125 on collection) These are bee's from splits and not swarmy. I've found them to be very docile and easily managed. Nuc boxes on a £30 refundable deposit. Please email me Patrick Laslett honeybeesforsale@gmail.com (I'm the webmaster not the owner of the bees)

2016 Two nucs Ellesmere Port I am selling 2 nucs of bees, 6 frames per nuc. Different stages of brood, queens are from 2016, one is marked one is not (I can mark it if buyers requests). The cost is £145/nuc, without the box, pick up from my home address (£20 in advance £125 on collection)   Ellesmere Port I can deliver for free if buyers is close or for a small fee that covers the cost of petrol if further.

I have 11, 6 frame national Nucs of bees ready to go towards the end of June SOLD depending on the weather. They come in a Paynes poly nuc box. I'm based near Crewe, Cheshire. Deposit can be paid now to reserve a nuc. Price £190 including the box (£20 deposit in advance £170 on collection) £30 will be given back if the poly nuc is returned.

2014 two nucs in Cheshire We have two 5 frame National nucs for sale. They are on Hoffman frames. We live in Cheshire. We are asking £120 each for them. (£20 deposit paid in advance and £100 on collection)

2014 Three nucs for sale posted 6/4/2014 My bee keeper writes:-
 "I can supply 5 frame nucs with this year's queen in a wooden nuc box (returnable). Bees are local British bees. I am hoping to have bees available from a couple of weeks time until September." Price £170 per nuc. (£20 deposit in advance £150 on pick up)

Buyers: please check the pages below to see if there are bees for sale near you. If you can't find the bees you are looking for in these pages please email me honeybeesforsale@gmail.com

Honeybees for sale in Bedfordshire
Honeybees for sale in Birmingham
Honeybees for sale in Bolton
Honeybees for sale in Bristol
Honeybees for sale in Buckingham
Honeybees for sale in Cambridge
Honeybees for sale in Cheshire
Honeybees for sale in Cleveland
Honeybees for sale in Co Antrim
Honeybees for sale in Cornwall
Honeybees for sale in Coventry
Honeybees for sale in Cumbria
Honeybees for sale in Derbyshire
Honeybees for sale in Devon
Honeybees for sale in Dorset
Honeybees for sale in Essex
Honeybees for sale in Exmore
Honeybees for sale in Gloucester
Honeybees for sale in Hampshire
Honeybees for sale in Herefordshire
Honeybees for sale in Hertfordshire
Honeybees for sale in Huddersfield
Honeybees for sale in Lancashshire
Honeybees for sale in Leeds
Honeybees for sale in Leicestershire
Honeybees for sale in Lincolnshire
Honeybees for sale in Liverpool
Honeybees for sale in Manchester
Honeybees for sale in Mersyside
Honeybees for sale in Mid Wales
Honeybees for sale in Middlesex
Honeybees for sale in Milton Keynes
Honeybees for sale in North Yorkshire
Honeybees for sale in Newcastle
Honeybees for sale in Norfolk
Honeybees for sale in North Wales
Honeybees for sale in Northamptonshire
Honeybees for sale in Northumberland
Honeybees for sale in Northumbria
Honeybees for sale in Nottinghamshire
Honeybees for sale in Oxfordshire
Honeybees for sale in Plymouth
Honeybees for sale in Scotland
Honeybees for sale in Scunthorpe
Honeybees for sale in Sheffield
Honeybees for sale in Shrewsbury
Honeybees for sale in Shropshire<
Honeybees for sale in Solihull
Honeybees for sale in Somerset
Honeybees for sale in Staffordshire
Honeybees for sale in Suffolk
Honeybees for sale in Sunderland
Honeybees for sale in Surry
Honeybees for sale in Sussex
Honeybees for sale in The Wirral
Honeybees for sale in Tyne & Wear
Honeybees for sale in Tyne Tees
Honeybees for sale in Wales
Honeybees for sale in Warwickshire
Honeybees for sale in Wiltshire
Honeybees for sale in Wisbech
Honeybees for sale in Worcestershire
Honeybees for sale in Yorkshire
Honeybees for sale in The West Midlands
Honeybees for sale in Yarn On Tees

Buyers: if you can't find the bees you are looking for in
these pages please email me honeybeesforsale@gmail.com